Advent and Christmas Season at St. Bernadette’s

Dear St. Bernadette Families,

Advent is a season of joyful waiting, a time of hope when we anticipate the arrival of the Christ Child who comes into our lives each day and who will come again in Glory.  During Advent, we prepare our hearts and minds for the arrival of Christmas when we celebrate Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem over 2000 years ago.

Our Kindergarten classes (Ms.Barnett, Ms. Leithwood and Ms. Quinn) are working hard to prepare our school-wide Advent liturgy.   The St.Bernadette Advent liturgy will take place on Thursday, December 9th at 11:30am -12:00pm.  Families are invited to attend the Advent liturgy by logging on to their child’s Google K12 account.

We are also excited to be organizing a Virtual Christmas concert on Friday, December 19th from 9:30 – 10:30 am.  More information will be forthcoming.

Our staff has planned the following Christmas Spirit Week activities.

Monday December 13th – Christmas Hat Day

Tuesday December 14th – Santa’s Workshop Day

(Dress as anything you would find in Santa’s workshop or anything related to Christmas- i.e. a present, a toy, an elf, Santa, a reindeer etc)

Wednesday December 15th – Christmas and/or Cozy Sweater Day

Thursday December 16th – Christmas Colours Day

Friday December 17th – Pyjama Day

Finally, St. Bernadette’s looks forward to the Travelling Stage’s Holiday Express – A Celebration of Joy, Music and Community across Canada.  We will be streaming this live on Wednesday, December 15th at 9:30 am.

Families are welcome to join this special adaptation of Chris Van Allsburg’s “The Polar Express” by logging onto their child’s Google Classroom.  Visit this link for more information

Thank you and look out for our float this Saturday at the Sutton Santa Claus Parade.  Visit this link for more information.