January 29-February 2 is Carnaval Week at St. Bernadette! 

January 29-February 2:  Carnaval Week will with French Fun!

January 29:  French Stunt Ventriloquist Performance- Master Ventriloquist Tim Holland attempts death defying stunts while arguing with himself. You can try to see if his lips are moving, but you’ll probably miss something funny or amazing. The Zany characters Tim brings to life always steal the show.  Tim has been professionally entertaining for almost 2 decades. His performing adventures have taken him across Canada as well as internationally to venues in Europe, Asia, and Australia. He’s shared venues with the likes of Splash and Boots, Sharon & Bram, Fred Penner and Martin Short. The show features ventriloquism, dangerous juggling objects, and a high unicycle. He has performed for the President of Singapore, trained with masters of comedy, and has a rubber-chicken that dances the can-can.

January 29: Carnaval Colours Day- Blue, red, white, like Bonhomme’s Ceinture Fléchée

January 30: Sports Day Clothing

January 31: Dress like Bonhomme day– White shirt, scarf around the waist, tuque

February 1: Carnaval Play Day (indoor & outdoor activities) and Sweater & Tuque Day


Les activités pour la semaine: Activities for the week 

★ Carnaval Class Bingo/Loto

★ Morning Announcements

★ Effigie creation – Winners in primary and junior

★ Guest performer, Bonhomme Scavenger Hunt, Play Day, Guess Bonhomme, and more