Category: General

Sharelife Week and the Sacrament of Penance

Dear Parents and Guardians,

April 8th -April 12th is Sharelife Week at St. Bernadette’s.  We will be selling Ice Dawgs (chocoate chip cookie and ice cream sandwiches) for $2.00 during the lunch hour.  All proceeds from the sale of the Ice Dawgs will be directed to the Catholic Charity Sharelife.

Father Paul will be celebrating the sacrament of Reconciliation or Confession ... Continue reading "Sharelife Week and the Sacrament of Penance"


Bag2School is working with our students to increase the awareness of the importance of textile recycling and diverting unwanted clothing from the landfill.  We have arranged a collection on April 15th and ask that you send in any unwanted clothing or textiles by April 12th.  Bags can be left in the school foyer.

We accept all clothing, footwear, mittens, towels, backpacks, outwear, scarves, ... Continue reading "Bag2School"

April Update

Welcome, April and hopefully some spring-like weather.

All are invited to our Catholic School Council meeting this evening (April 1st)  at 7:00 pm in the staffroom.  All meeting minutes and agendas are uploaded on the website for your perusal.

We wish our Junior Dance Team much success tomorrow, April 2nd as they compete at the Love of Dance Competition at St. ... Continue reading "April Update"