Category: General

Georgina Healthy Schools Adventure Play Day

Adventure Play Day at St. Bernadette C.E.S. Friday, June 8, 2018 – (Rain date – Friday, June 15, 2018)

St. Bernadette C.E.S. Eco Club has partnered with the Town of Georgina’s Healthy Kids Community Challenge to bring a Pop-up Adventure Playground to your school!

Pop-Up Adventure Playgrounds offer a variety of “loose parts” to enrich play opportunities in

... Continue reading "Georgina Healthy Schools Adventure Play Day"

June Update

Dear St. Bernadette Families,


It is hard to believe but we have quickly moved from spring to summer and our last month of the 2017-18 school year is upon us.  We have many exciting things planned for this month.


Yearbooks were delivered today.  Thank you Mrs. Phipps for the amazing photography and capturing the year ... Continue reading "June Update"

Donation to Share Life

Special thank you to all of the SBE community for supporting our Ice Dawg (Ice Cream sandwiches) sales.  You raised $361.60 for Sharelife.

Ice dawg sales will continue Monday and all further proceeds will be directed towards the school technology funds.

Thank you,

Mrs. deHaas

AOK Program and Parents for Children’s Mental Health Supports

Dear St. Bernadette Families

Please find attached two excellent community resources to support parents and their children. I especially would like to highlight the AOK program on Mondays and Wednesday from 9:30- 11:30 in our school. This play based program is for children 0-6 years old and all family members are welcome. Please circulate this flyer to friends and neighbours in your community. ... Continue reading "AOK Program and Parents for Children’s Mental Health Supports"