Speed Stacking Cups and Merchandise
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Please see the flyer for information on ordering speed stacking cups.
Thank you
Mrs. Stephens, Physical Education Teacher
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Please see the flyer for information on ordering speed stacking cups.
Thank you
Mrs. Stephens, Physical Education Teacher
Please find attached the December newsletter. A reminder that our Silent Auction begins tomorrow night at 5:30 pm. All donated items are found in the newsletter. Students are to be in their classrooms no later than 6:00 and the production of Starry Night, Noisy Night begins promptly at 6:30 pm
We are looking forward to a ... Continue reading "December Newsletter"
St. Bernadette Families,
As we approach the production date of December 6th,2017 we would like to remind families that all students are to be at school no later than 6:00pm. Students are to be dropped off in their classroom where a staff members and student volunteers will supervise them. At approximately 7:30 pm, the end of the production, all students must be pick ... Continue reading "Wednesday December 6 – Silent Auction and Christmas Production"
Dear St. Bernadette Families
In honour of Bullying Awareness Week, your child is invited to wear all blue and two different shoes tomorrow. Former Canadian Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson won the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in establishing United Nations Peacekeepers, who wear blue as a symbol of peace as they perform their work around the world.
Wearing two ... Continue reading "#BullyingAwarenessWeek"