Category: General

January 20 is the deadline to apply for French Immersion for the 2023-2024 school year

French Immersion Registration for 2023-2024:  The York Catholic District School Board is pleased to announce that the application process for the Regional French Immersion Program is currently underway for current SK students for the 2023-2024 school year. Applications for grade 1 will continue to be accepted until January 20, 2023.  Please see the French Immersion flyer  for information.   ... Continue reading "January 20 is the deadline to apply for French Immersion for the 2023-2024 school year"

Thank You to Everyone Who Participated in our Christmas Auction & Bake Sale

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Christmas Auction & Bake Sale!!  Thank you to the Catholic School Council who worked tirelessly for months to make this fundraiser happen!!  Thank you to everyone who to donated items and baked goods to our fundraiser!  We appreciate your generosity!  The Catholic School Council is proud to announce that they ... Continue reading "Thank You to Everyone Who Participated in our Christmas Auction & Bake Sale"

Catholic School Council Silent Auction & Bake Sale: Monday, December 19, 2022

Monday, December 19 at 7:00pm:  St. Bernadette Christmas Concert and the Catholic School Council (CSC) Auction and Bake Sale!  Parents are to have their children in their classrooms by 6:30 pm.  This is the annual Christmas event that everyone is excited about returning!!  All proceeds from this event go towards supporting academic enhancements and activities for St. Bernadette students!!  ... Continue reading "Catholic School Council Silent Auction & Bake Sale: Monday, December 19, 2022"

Thursday, December 15 is St. B’s Christmas Concert & Parent Council Silent Auction & Bake Sale!!

Attention All Bakers:  St. B’s annual Christmas Concert is being held on Thursday, December 15 and the Parent Council are looking for some yummy nut free treats to sell at the concert’s Bake Sale!!  Please reach out to Melena Carrassi  if you are interested in contributing a baked good.  All proceeds of the sales will go back to the ... Continue reading "Thursday, December 15 is St. B’s Christmas Concert & Parent Council Silent Auction & Bake Sale!!"

Inclement Weather Procedures for 2022-2023

In the event that School transportation is cancelled due to inclement weather and/or poor road conditions: 

  • Schools remain open

For Parent(s)/Guardian(s) with children in Elementary Schools: