Category: General

November 14-17 is Kindness & Inclusivity Week (Anti-Bullying) at SBE!

November 14-17 is Kindness & Inclusivity Week (Anti-Bullying) at SBE!

This year we will focus on filling buckets and doing acts of kindness!

Tuesday, November 17:  Wear Bright Colours for Kindness

Wednesday, November 16, 9:25-10:20:  D.O. Gibson – World Record Rapping Star shares his stories and strategies to stop bullying!

And more activities will be announced as ... Continue reading "November 14-17 is Kindness & Inclusivity Week (Anti-Bullying) at SBE!"

EXCITING NEW SBE Broncos Spirit Wear Logo!! Online Store Closes November 11

Spirit Wear Store is Now Open:  The SBE Spirit Wear store is up and running!  All ordering is completed online, through the virtual store – CASHLESS. The SBE Spirit Wear store will be open between Friday, October 28, 2022 – Friday, November 11, 2022. 

Our virtual store link is: ... Continue reading "EXCITING NEW SBE Broncos Spirit Wear Logo!! Online Store Closes November 11"

November 7, 9:15- 10:15 am Coffee Chat series “Family Phonological Fun”

November 7 Phonological Awareness Coffee Chat:  You are invited to our Coffee Chat series “Family Phonological Fun” on Monday, November 7th from 9:15-10:15 am. Come and learn about how to support early literacy in Kindergarten to grade 2 by building a strong foundation of phonological awareness. Families and caregivers will learn games and activities to keep their children engaged in learning ... Continue reading "November 7, 9:15- 10:15 am Coffee Chat series “Family Phonological Fun”"

Thursday, October 19 is “Take Me Outside Day”

On October 19th, St. Bernadette CES will be taking part in “Take Me Outside Day” promoting outdoor learning and highlighting our new outdoor learning center.  “Take Me Outside Day” may take the form of an outdoor lesson, a read aloud in our outdoor learning center, daily physical activities, a nature walk, or an extended recess.  We are excited to be joining thousands of educators across ... Continue reading "Thursday, October 19 is “Take Me Outside Day”"

Friday, October 14: Blessing of Mural & Outdoor Classroom

Today we had a wonderful celebration with Fr. Paul Hancko, members of the Catholic School Council, and our students!  Fr. Paul blessed the gorgeous wall unit with a renaissance painting of St. Bernadette in the grotto having a vision of the Virgin Mary.  We were very fortunate to have Mr. Klobukar, an actively involved parent present who painted and constructed the wall unit in attendance.  ... Continue reading "Friday, October 14: Blessing of Mural & Outdoor Classroom"

Congratulations to the SBE Cross Country Team for Winning 3 Pennants!!

Congratulations to our Cross Country Team:  We are proud to announce that the St. Bernadette Cross Country Team won three pennants at the Cross Country Meet!!  Congratulations to the Grade 4 and 6 runners who won both the grade level pennants!   Overall the St. Bernadette Cross Country Team won the Junior division pennant with the most points!

... Continue reading "Congratulations to the SBE Cross Country Team for Winning 3 Pennants!!"