News Stories
Summer Camp Sirius Stars
July 2-19, 2019
Prince of Peace – 181 Glenwoods Ave, Keswick
All Grade 3,4,5 and 6 students at St. Bernadette’s CES
Cost: ONLY $99
Healthy Living Day – June 14
Dear Parents and Guardians of St. Bernadette’s,
We are excited to let you know that next Friday June 14th from 9:30 -2:30 will be our Healthy Living Day at St. Bernadette’s CES. Students will be divided in cross grade groupings (K-5) and will have Grade 6 leaders. Groups will rotate through a variety of healthy living activity stations such as Zumba, Yoga, Soccer, ... Continue reading "Healthy Living Day – June 14"
Children’s Mental Health Week Workshops
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Please find attached information on Children’s Mental Health and several workshops that are coming up in our community. I especially wish to highlight the workshop Parenting Your Anxious Child at Our Lady of the Lake CCS on May 7th and 8th. All workshops are free and run by staff from York Hills Centre for Children. Please register your attendance ... Continue reading "Children’s Mental Health Week Workshops"