
News Stories

Donation to Share Life

Special thank you to all of the SBE community for supporting our Ice Dawg (Ice Cream sandwiches) sales.  You raised $361.60 for Sharelife.

Ice dawg sales will continue Monday and all further proceeds will be directed towards the school technology funds.

Thank you,

Mrs. deHaas

AOK Program and Parents for Children’s Mental Health Supports

Dear St. Bernadette Families

Please find attached two excellent community resources to support parents and their children. I especially would like to highlight the AOK program on Mondays and Wednesday from 9:30- 11:30 in our school. This play based program is for children 0-6 years old and all family members are welcome. Please circulate this flyer to friends and neighbours in your community. ... Continue reading "AOK Program and Parents for Children’s Mental Health Supports"

ECO Week – April 16-23

Dear St. Bernadette’s Families,

A reminder of our Plastic Bag Challenge. Elementary schools from across Canada are being challenged to collect as many plastic bags as they can for recycling. Schools that collect the most bags per student and show their enthusiasm for the challenge are eligible to win prizes to support environmental initiatives in their school.

St. Bernadette’s has accepted ... Continue reading "ECO Week – April 16-23"

Inclement Weather Day

Dear St. Bernadette’s Families,

Hope you are staying warm and dry.

Due to inclement weather, hot lunch has been postponed. Once we have rescheduled the date, we will send a Synervoice message to all families.

The Catholic School Council meeting for this evening has been cancelled.

Thank you,

Mrs. deHaas