Year: 2021
Sharelife Virtual Family Scavenger Hunt
Register now and get ready to join us for some family fun on Sunday, May 16th at 10:30 am.
Catholic Education Week
April Showers bring May flowers. This coming week, we celebrate the gift of Catholic Education in Ontario. This year’s Catholic Education Week theme is, “Nurturing Hope.”
There are five sub-themes for each day of Catholic Education Week:
Day 1: Preparing the Earth
Day 2: Sowing Seeds of Gratitude
Day 3: Cultivating Relationship
Day 4: Harvesting ... Continue reading "Catholic Education Week"
Active School Transportation
As we enter the nicer weather in spring, it’s important that we remain focused on supporting our physical and mental health well-being and keeping our school zones safe. COVID-19 has led to changes in our day-to-day lives, and we all need to do our part to ensure the welfare of those around us.
Active School Travel (i.e walking, cycling, scootering) is one way ... Continue reading "Active School Transportation"
Black History Month
We are excited to welcome Babarinde to St. Bernadette’s on Monday at 1:15 pm virtually to share stories of Black Canadian Heroes. Baba is an award-winning motivational speaker, singer, percussionist, recording artist, trumpet and saxophone player, ethnomusicologist, music director, writer and Griot (African historian and storyteller) who has been featured on Ted Talk and other academic forums. He was born in