Category: General

Advent and Christmas Season at St. Bernadette’s

Dear St. Bernadette Families,

Advent is a season of joyful waiting, a time of hope when we anticipate the arrival of the Christ Child who comes into our lives each day and who will come again in Glory.  During Advent, we prepare our hearts and minds for the arrival of Christmas when we celebrate Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem over 2000 years ago. ... Continue reading "Advent and Christmas Season at St. Bernadette’s"

Christmas Poinsettia Fundraiser

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We are excited to launch our Christmas Fundraiser! This year we will be selling Poinsettias from Bradford Greenhouse. You have a choice of a 6“, 8” or 10” Poinsettia, or a 10” mixed tropical planter. Your fundraising dollars will be used to purchase classroom and curriculum enhancements as well as outdoor education equipment. Students are asked to sell the Poinsettias to ... Continue reading "Christmas Poinsettia Fundraiser"

Bullying Awareness Week -November 21st-27th

Dear St. Bernadette Families,

Thank you for taking the time to meet with your child’s teachers last week to discuss the progress report and a snapshot of their learning this year.  If you were unable to connect with your child’s teacher, please do not hesitate to contact the office to set up an interview time.

Ontario Bullying Awareness Week takes place ... Continue reading "Bullying Awareness Week -November 21st-27th"

St. Bernadette Update

Dear St. Bernadette Families,

The leaves continue to fall rapidly and we can see small animals scurrying around preparing for the winter season.  We too must prepare and we ask that families take this opportunity to ensure that the children have appropriate winter clothing – including hats, gloves, warm boots, and snow pants.  We will be accepting clean gently-used winter wear that no ... Continue reading "St. Bernadette Update"

Fall Update

Many events are happening over the next few weeks at St. Bernadette.

This coming week is Safety Awareness Week across York Catholic schools.   All of our drills and practice procedures will align with current advice from both York Public Health and our First Responders (Fire and Police).  During this week, we will be rehearsing a variety of emergency school ... Continue reading "Fall Update"