Category: General

SBE Grade 5’s Participate in the York Region Paint a Plow Contest!!

This year Mrs. Aresta’s grade 5 class will be participating in the York Region Public Works (YRPW), Paint a Plow contest!  On Tuesday, May 2 the plow was dropped off at St. Bernadette CES!

This competition complements any teachings of weather, its effect on the environment, how municipal staff handle these conditions, and most importantly, child safety around plows and near ... Continue reading "SBE Grade 5’s Participate in the York Region Paint a Plow Contest!!"

Travelling Stage Dance Program comes to SBE!!

Travelling Stage Dance Program:  Beginning May 15 we are very excited to share that The Travelling Stage will be visiting our school!  The Travelling Stage is an arts education company committed to enriching the arts curriculum.

St. Bernadette students in grades 1 to 6 will be participating in six International Dance Lessons.  This series celebrates ... Continue reading "Travelling Stage Dance Program comes to SBE!!"

REMINDER: Kindergarten Registration is happening now for the 2023-2024 school year!!

REMINDER Junior Kindergarten Registration:  Please remind any family or friends that Kindergarten registration for the 2023-2024 school year is happening now!

JK:  Children must be 4 years old by Dec. 31 (born in 2019)

SK:  Children must be 5 years old by Dec. 31, 2023 (born in 2018)

For information contact St. Bernadette ... Continue reading "REMINDER: Kindergarten Registration is happening now for the 2023-2024 school year!!"

CARNAVAL WEEK!! February 6-10 at St. Bernadette CES

February 6-10 is Carnaval Week at SBE!!  Daily French BINGO on the PA and classroom visits by Bonhomme!  

Monday, February 6:  Backwards Day!  Students can wear their clothes backwards.

Tuesday, February 7:  Favourite Shirt/Sweater Day!  Students are encouraged to wear their favourite shirts and/or swearters to school.

Wednesday, February 8:  Tacky Tourist ... Continue reading "CARNAVAL WEEK!! February 6-10 at St. Bernadette CES"