
News Stories

SBE Update

Dear St. Bernadette Parents and Guardians,

Happy Spring!! (although it doesn’t feel like spring today.)  We hope this week brings some warmer weather.  Due to the wet and muddy conditions of the field, students remain on the blacktop until the field dries up.  Students are invited to bring in softballs (ie. tennis balls), skipping ropes, hula hoops, jumpsy elastic ropes, jacks, chalk and ... Continue reading "SBE Update"

Loonie/ Toonie Tuesday

Dear St. Bernadette Families,

Last week, the Archdiocese of Toronto announced it would be accepting donations for humanitarian relief in response to the tragedy unfolding in Ukraine. Funds collected by the Archdiocese will be channelled to the Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA) and the Office for Refugees, Archdiocese of Toronto (ORAT).

St. Bernadette will be holding a Loonie ... Continue reading "Loonie/ Toonie Tuesday"

February Update

Dear St. Bernadette Families,

February has arrived and the groundhog has predicted an early spring.  Please find below information on what is happening over the next few weeks at St. Bernadette’s CES.

An in-school clinic has been organized by York Region Public Health for students at Black River Public School and St. Bernadette Catholic Elementary School to provide first or second ... Continue reading "February Update"

Advent and Christmas Season at St. Bernadette’s

Dear St. Bernadette Families,

Advent is a season of joyful waiting, a time of hope when we anticipate the arrival of the Christ Child who comes into our lives each day and who will come again in Glory.  During Advent, we prepare our hearts and minds for the arrival of Christmas when we celebrate Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem over 2000 years ago. ... Continue reading "Advent and Christmas Season at St. Bernadette’s"

Christmas Poinsettia Fundraiser

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We are excited to launch our Christmas Fundraiser! This year we will be selling Poinsettias from Bradford Greenhouse. You have a choice of a 6“, 8” or 10” Poinsettia, or a 10” mixed tropical planter. Your fundraising dollars will be used to purchase classroom and curriculum enhancements as well as outdoor education equipment. Students are asked to sell the Poinsettias to ... Continue reading "Christmas Poinsettia Fundraiser"